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Glossary and Rules Changes


Adjacent Enemies: If enemies are next to the attacker, it can target only one of those enemies. (Revenge of the Sith)

Allies: A character can move through a square occupied by an ally (a character on your own squad). (Revenge of the Sith)

Attacks of Opportunity: If an enemy moves out of a square next to a character, that character can make a single, immediate attack against that enemy (even if the character has already moved this round). The attack takes place when the enemy is about to leave the square. Pause the movement and make the attack. If the enemy is not defeated, it continues moving. (Revenge of the Sith)

Battle Grid Features: Walls and pits block movement. A door opens when a character ends its turn next to it. It closes if no one is next to it. It costs double to move into a square containing difficult terrain (outlined in yellow) or low objects (outlined in green). (Revenge of the Sith)

Corners: A character can't move diagonally past the corner or end of a wall that extends to a grid corner. (Revenge of the Sith)

Diagonal Movement: A character can move up to 6 squares and attack If the character doesn't attack, it can move up to 12 squares. (Revenge of the Sith)

Enemies: A character can't move through squares occupied by enemies (characters on your opponent's squad). If a character moves out of a square that's next to (“adjacent to”) an enemy, the enemy can make an immediate attack against the moving character (see Attacks of Opportunity). (Revenge of the Sith)

Factions: Your squad can contain characters that possess your faction’s symbol or the Fringe symbol. In a skirmish set in the Rise of the Empire era, for example, one player constructs a squad of Republic and Fringe characters, while the other constructs a squad of Separatist and Fringe characters. (Revenge of the Sith)

Initiative Check: A skirmish begins with an initiative check to determine who goes first. Each player rolls the d20. The player with the highest result decides who goes first. If the results are the same (a tie), roll again. (Revenge of the Sith)

Line of Sight: The attacker must be able to see the enemy. Generally, a character can target any enemy (the defender) it can see. Seeing a defender is determined by finding line of sight. Draw an imaginary line from any point in the attacker's space to any point in the defender’s space. If the player who controls the attacking character can draw that line without touching a wall, that character has line of sight to that defender. A line that nicks a corner or runs along a wall does not provide line of sight. If a wall outline does not extend to a corner, line of sight can be drawn only through that corner. Only walls, closed doors, and big objects that count as walls block line of sight. Characters, low objects, difficult terrain and pits do not block line of sight. (Revenge of the Sith)

Tie-Breaker: If no character has damaged an enemy character, made an attack roll, or forced an enemy character to make a save for 10 rounds in a row, total up the points for characters that have been defeated. The player who has defeated the most points’ worth of characters is the winner. If players are tied, the winner is the player who has a character closest to the center of the battle grid. If players are still tied, the player with the highest-cost character nearest the center is the winner. (Revenge of the Sith)


Attack: Add this number to the die roll when attacking. Roll the enemy’s Defense or better to hit. (Revenge of the Sith)

Charging Fire: Instead of taking a normal turn, a Super Battle Droid can move 12 squares and then attack once. It can’t, however, attack and then move 12 squares. (Revenge of the Sith)

Commander Effects: Grievous and Obi-Wan, for example, have commander effects. These effects normally are bonuses granted to followers as long as they are within a certain distance of the commander. (Commanders Only) Grants a benefit to other characters. A character without a commander effect is a follower. (Revenge of the Sith)

Cost: Each character has a point cost shown on its base and the top right corner of its stat card. This amount is based on how powerful the character is. You can spend up to 100 points to build your squad. (Revenge of the Sith)

Damage: On a hit, deal the listed damage. (Revenge of the Sith)

Defense: Enemies must roll this number or higher on attack rolls to hit this character. (Revenge of the Sith)

Double Attack: If Obi-Wan starts his turn next to an enemy and doesn't move away, he can attack twice. After his first attack, he can decide whether to move or to attack a second time. (Revenge of the Sith)

Droid: Droids are not subject to commander effects unless otherwise noted on the commander's stat card. (Revenge of the Sith)

Force Heal 20: Instead of attacking, Obi-Wan can spend 2 Force opints and remove 20 damage from himself or from an adjacent ally. He can’t heal an ally who has been defeated. (Revenge of the Sith)

Force Points: Grievous and Obi-Wan, for instance, have Force points that let them do special things. A character with Force points can spend 1 Force point to either: Reroll an attack the character just made; or Move 2 extra squares on its turn (as part of its movement). Once Force points are spent, they are gone for the rest of the game. A character can spend Force points only once per turn. (Revenge of the Sith)

Force Powers: Obi-Wan, for instance, has three Force powers. He can use them as long as he has Force points to spend. See Force Heal 20, Lightsaber Assault, and Lightsaber Deflect. (If Any) Lists Force rating and any additional Force rating may spend 1 Force point to reroll any die roll or to move 2 extra spaces as part of a standard move action. (Revenge of the Sith)

Hit Points: A character is defeated when its Hit Points drop to 0. (Revenge of the Sith)

Lightsaber Assault: On a turn when Obi-Wan moves at least 1 square, he can spend 1 Force point to attack twice instead of once. He spends the Force point before making the first attack. (Revenge of the Sith)

Lightsaber Deflect: When a Super Battle Droid hits Obi-Wan, he can spend 1 Force point to have a chance to deflect the blast. If he spends the point, roll the d20. The blast is deflected on a roll of 11 or higher. (Revenge of the Sith)

Melee Attack: Grievous and Obi-Wan fight with lightsabers, so they can attack only enemies who are next to them (diagonal is OK). (Revenge of the Sith)

Order 66: xxxx. (Revenge of the Sith)

Replaces Attacks: Sometimes the text of a special ability or Force power reads it “replaces attacks.” In this case, a character can use that special ability or Force power instead of making its usual attack. A character can move up to 6 squares before or after using such a special ability or Force power, just as if it were an attack. (Revenge of the Sith)

Special Abilities: (If Any) Special strengths and weaknesses. (Revenge of the Sith)

Synchronized Fire: When one Super Battle Droid attacks, the other one can use synchronized fire. If the second Super Battle Droid hasn't already moved this round and has line of sight to the target, instead of taking a turn it gives the first Super Battle Droid a +6 bonus on its attack. (Revenge of the Sith)

Unique: This means you can only have one character with that name in your squad. For instance, only one Obi-Wan even if you own more than one version of Obi-Wan. (Revenge of the Sith)

Large characters occupy a space 2 squares wide and 2 squares long. Huge characters occupy a space 3 squares wide and 3 squares long. They pay the extra costs for moving into low objects or difficult terrain if any part of their space would move into a square containing an enemy. (Revenge of the Sith)

Squeezing: Large and Huge characters can squeeze through small openings and down narrow hallways that are at least half as wide as their normal space (rounding up to 2 squares for Huge creatures), provided they end their movement in an area they can normally occupy.

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